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5 Writing Tips to Beat the Hectic Holidays

'Tis the season! It's that time of year for decorating, shopping, attending holiday parties, and all-around preparing for those precious 24-hours at the end of December. The holidays get everyone in a tizzy! However, while it brings us together, it also tends to eat up much of our free time. As a writer, it's easy to let the holidays sidetrack you and put a quick halt to writing. Perhaps you'll use this time for a welcome break, but if you want to stay on track, try these five simple tips to avoid holiday-induced diversion.

1. While you're waiting on those holiday cookies or treats to bake, take a few moments to write. Make every spare moment count.

2. Waiting on family or friends while they shop? Bring along a journal or break out that phone! Grab a cup of coffee and write while they get things done.

3. Don't take on too much! Decorate, attend some parties, and do some shopping online to save time, but keep your holiday fever in check. People often don't take the time to really enjoy the holiday season because they're so busy. Apply this to writing, too! Take time for you this season.

4. Choose a special time daily, before bed or early in the morning, to sit down and write. Use an alarm to remind you if needed.

5. Set a weekly goal. Even if the holidays may distract you from writing every day, having a weekly goal will let you catch up and stay on track.

Happy Holiday Writing!

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